庞莎织造有限公司是西班牙独资企业,成立于1820年,是欧洲最早的纺织企业之一。公司经历了180多年的发展历程,凭借丰富的经验和先进的技术设备及“品质为先,服务至上,不断创新,客户信赖”的质量方针,公司主要生产工业起重吊带、安全带、汽车拖车带和捆绑带等各种技术织带等多种PONSA牌专业产品,公司一直走在世界前列。东莞庞莎织造有限公司是在中国的分公司,成立于2001年,公司位于东莞市沙田镇义沙村天宅,占地面积17000多平方米,投资规模391万美元,生产和销售织带(包括窗帘带、床垫滚边带、松紧带、旅行袋及手袋专用织带等)、工业用特种纺织品等。公司提供免费食宿,年底双薪,每年全公司组织旅游一次。Since 1820 the effort and work of 7 generations, adding the experience and technological contribution to the manufacture of webbing makes our company to be considered leader in this field. We work day by day in order to be a competitive, modern and an active company.Dongguan Ponsa Textile Limited is a branch company of Industrias Ponsa and it was founded in 2001. Our company is located in Dongguan City of Guangdong Province in China, which covers an area of 17,000 square meters has a work force of 100 people.We delivery all over the world. we have already served to more than 100 countries. 公司环境